With 30 years of experience in the field of gastronomy, comprising perfect professionals and Italian chefs, such as Chef Enza Barbaro, Giovanni Baldantoni and Chef Pietro Benedetto, ACI - Associazione Cuochi Italiani was born in 2019 with its first objective of supporting and promoting the Mediterranean and Italian cuisine, promoting the “image of the chef” as a health promoter, as well as developing projects on food education, information and training in schools at national and international level.
We address all chefs, masterchefs, pizza chefs, pastry chefs, students from technological schools, school principals, authorities, journalists, supporters of taste, followers of a proper diet, last but not least to the amateurs and lovers of the Mediterranean Cuisine - Unesco Heritage, in order to take into account the opportunity and desire to become a member of the "Associazione Cuochi Italiani", having the opportunity to participate in the life of the association and offer their own professional contribution, receiving in return a well-deserved moral and material recognition.

ACI will receive as members, all students from schools with technological profile, who will want to develop and improve their gastronomic knowledge, in order to participate in various national and international contests or competitions, exchanges of gastronomic experience or to prepare them for future jobs in the field of Ho.Re.Ca.

By the information and training program that we carry out at national level in gymnasium, vocational and university schools, our association aims to correct and improve the lifestyle and health of future generations.
ACI - Associazione Cuochi Italiani, by its training members and preparatory instructors who participate in this professional training program will organize within the Global School Palazzo Italia, by the partnership signed with Palazzo Italia courses accredited by the competent institutions for chef, master - chef, pastry chefs, pizza chefs, sommelier - in in order to develop the knowledge of the Italian “ORIGINALITY” of the traditional products and recipes from the regions of origin, product tasting courses, amateur courses, etc. All members enrolled in the Associazione Cuochi Italiani who intend to deepen their knowledge of gastronomy or to train professionally on another side, respectively sommelier, confectioner - pastry chef or pizza chef will benefit from discounts on courses available at Global School Palazzo Italia.

ACI - Associazione Cuochi Italiani will hold courses for "Donna Chef " at the Global School Palazzo Italia, with the participation of the association's members as trainers. In partnership with ANBCT - National Association of Chefs and Confectioners in Tourism, ACI will support the organization of Romanian cuisine courses to capitalize on Romanian traditions and healthy Romanian cuisine.
Our objective for 2021 is to enhance the image of the chef - health promoter in the Balkans, activating sections/associations in each country, to get involved and develop educational projects in the field of gastronomy, organizing culinary competitions, etc.
Another major objective that this year ACI - Associazione Cuochi Italiani will achieve is to follow the quality chain of Italian products used in restaurants in Romania and abroad in general. According to the detailed analysis of the chef’s professionalism as well as the quality of the products as well as their origin, ACI will be able to grant through the Accademia del Gusto Italiano an "Made in Italy" certificate to all Italian restaurants that meet the conditions.

On the Facebook page and on the association’s website are periodically published original Italian relays, offers and active promotions of the Marketing Italian Food platform, which operates within Palazzo Italia for the import and distribution of "MADE IN ITALY" products, being a reference point in the products acquisition for professionals and amateurs. All those registered in the associations had access to a wide range of products sold by the Marketing Italian Food platform and will benefit from various discounts and promotions.
ACI, with the support of the "Accademia Del Gusto Italiano", made of experts from various sectors of nutrition and food, will be a creator of the certification project implemented by Palazzo Italia, for restaurants and products in the agri-food sector "MADE IN ITALY" brand.