ACI annual program
The year 2020
The Associazione Cuochi Italiani program started in a normal living condition, FIC members for 2020 also became ACI members, all starting with enthusiasm.
With a well-formed and prepared team, I participated in the National Championships in Rimini, 2020, with great success, together with President Enza Barbaro, Secretary Giovanni Baldantoni and the Delegate of the Republic of Moldova Francesco Sanna, where I won two bronze medals.
Respecting the rules regarding the social distance caused by Covid - 19, we continued to support and promote the Mediterranean cuisine, carrying out our activity more in the online environment, using all the available social media channels that we have at our disposal.
We promoted and supported the various members of the association, both professionals and Italian restaurants.
In 2020, ACI activated the realization of a new project together with Global School Palazzo Italia, respectively the preparation of a recipe book, with various preparations, with an excellent content from the point of view of health.
After several trips to Italy and based on the agreement established with Prof. Giuseppe Sciaraffa, President Enza Barbaro together with Secretary Giovanni Baldantoni, organized in several stages, within the Global School Palazz Italia, the preparation of the 80 recipes and photos, quantitative and qualitative analyzes.
The title of the book will be "FOR AND WITH THE HEART".
The book aims to learn how and how to use the original products, which, contained in carefully selected recipes are beneficial to the body in terms of health. As soon as possible, the book will be published and launched, in order to reach as many readers and people passionate about gastronomy, to help them improve their lifestyle.
In addition, we continued the activity with online lessons as well as with events to promote a healthy, balanced kitchen, with a reduced presence, respecting all the Covid-19 rules in force.
Contacts were developed with various public entities, such as the University of Chisinau, legal representatives of Breaza City Hall, Dobroesti, to establish collaboration protocols in 2021, in order to inform / train students of school institutions about "FOOD EDUCATION" .
Finally, even with the difficulties of coronavirus, the foundations were laid for a solid program that will be implemented in 2021, starting with the associative development, to co-opt in the ACI family as many professional chefs, beginner students, supporters, members honorifics, etc.
Enza Barbaro
Italian Chefs Association
The year 2021
President Enza Barbaro, planned for 2021 a constant presence among the associates and started the 2021 accession campaign for professional chefs, chefs, supporters, honorary, "Donna Chef", students, people in the field of gastronomy or simply passionate kitchen. The main objectives of the Associazione Cuochi Italiani for 2021: - the association will conclude protocols with public and private entities, for the promotion and support of Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. - The Social Integration Project, which seeks and improves local cuisines in the Balkans, will be launched to compare and integrate them with Mediterranean cuisine, launching the "Euro-Mediterranean Cuisine" brand . - development and promotion of the Food Education program - a program for children, adolescents, mothers and teachers, public / private schools that intend to propose important rules to create the basis of a food (nutrition) education that depends on and influences the "lifestyle" which all generations take on - the collaboration with Global School Palazzo Italia and the support of Marketing Italian Food, which will continue to encourage and stimulate the use of original Italian products imported by it. - obtaining the membership card with different titles, respectively professionals, pupils, supporters, honorary, amateurs, Donna Chef, from all over Eastern Europe will ensure the spread of the culture of Italian taste, as well as the preparation of the evaluation group of restaurants that meet the requirements. "Italian Origins". ” - the above-mentioned program, supported by Palazzo Italia, aims to improve the quality and authenticity of the products, the professionalism of the recipes and the application of the correct methods and procedures. Therefore, chefs and restaurants will be certified and for those who want specialization, all types of professional training courses will take place at Global School - vocational school: chef, chef, pizzeria, confectioner-pastry chef, sommelier. - Associazione Cuochi Italiani, will participate in events organized by Marketing Italian Food together with its own professional chefs. - the association will be able to open SECTIONS, appointing a section president in each country, who requests registration, assigning to the section president, as a voluntary work, tasks of socialization, organization and training, co-opting new members, both fun and " Donna Chef ”. - Palazzo Italia Global School, the vocational training school authorized by the Ministry of Labor and National Education, will be available, according to the agreement, to provide its own structure for meetings, cooking shows, as well as for continuing vocational training courses. free of charge, at least once a year). Both the President and the Secretary of the Associazione Cuochi Italiani, for operational correctness, are employees of the association, in order to be able to develop any activity and to move where necessary, etc. to achieve the statutory purposes. Italian Food Marketing Company will sponsor ACI with its products in events, courses, cooking workshops, etc. which it will organize; other partners from different fields will be sought in order to achieve the objectives set out in this program. Progressively and depending on the conditions of Covid-19, new programs will be developed.
President Enza Barbaro Italian Chefs Association
The year 2022
Italian Chefs Association Program
In 2022
- Launch of CARDS ACI associate members - this year the cards will be personalized
- Establishment of the membership fee, in the amount of 30 Euro / associate; 15 Euro / pupils and students
- Renewal of mandates for chaplain, section presidents, coordinators of the "Donna Chef" section;
- Accepting and examining proposals from section presidents to open various local projects, where ACI has sections, appointing and approving project coordinators, Donna Chef, Youth Division and proposals for various activities with amateur cooking lovers, other themed activities gastronomic.
- Continuation of projects started in 2021 - “Euro-Mediterranean cuisine, filling the recipe with local recipes from Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Germany, Romania; "Food education in schools", etc .;
- Development of the "Donna Chef" section, which should include women with various professions, mothers, grandparents passionate about gastronomy, etc.
- Involvement of as many young people, pupils and students in the Youth Division, who will be able to participate once a year in free information and training courses;
- Initiating preliminary discussions with the new organization within the Ministry of Agriculture, in order to prepare, develop programs to promote and support local agriculture, traditional products, original products, in order to preserve authentic traditions;
- Event organization Hamburg - Germany, which will be attended by the ACI team - Germany section, to celebrate the 70th anniversary of
at the establishment
Catholic Mission in Hamburg, with Italian menu tasting; preparing and serving dinner for COMITES; restaurant promotion and support
“Il Ristorantino”; promoting Italian cuisine.
- Organizing an event within the Palazzo Italia Global School - attended by nutritionists, doctors, teachers, an event whose main theme was "Nutrition education from the nutritional point of view and the presentation of beneficial recipes for the body"
- Launch of the book "From heart to heart", recipes designed by President Chef Enza Barbaro and Chef Giuseppe Sciaraffa;
- Training of teachers in schools with which the Associazione Cuochi Italiani has partnerships, in order to teach the subject "Food Education".
- Organizing a Masterclass at the Palazzo Italia Global School - attended by chefs, restaurant owners; The masterclass will be held by Chef Lorenzo Lacriola, with whom ACI also collaborated in Rep. Moldova, forming the team that participated in the Rimini Competition, Italy. These masterclasses aim to prepare interested chefs to participate in the Balkan Championship.
- Proposal for the organization of the Mediterranean and Euro-Mediterranean Cuisine Championship in the Balkans.
- Organizing competitions for amateurs and professionals;
- Involvement in as many social and solidarity projects as possible;
- Launch of the ACI App
- Establishment of the ACI Solidarity and Emergency Group
President Enza Barbaro
Italian Chefs Association